Concept Roof is one source solution for consulting in various Business areas such as profit maximization, cost maximization, human resource planning, marketing plan, tax-accounting reporting, management decision support system, IT & ITES Application etc . We particularly focus on start-ups and emerging businesses.
We help in setting up your business, provide support to your back end team, manage finance and taxation policy of your venture. Our expertise provide optimum solutions for your business. We help in setting your venture and handle key management functions effectively. The idea is to allow the promoters to focus on their core technical skills, while we will set plans to start, scale up, transition or simply manage the business operations.
Concept Roof is the one stop solution for all your business requirements related to finance, legal, HR and business development.
Entrepreneurs who are finding it difficult in the process of letting their customers know about their products or services, are the ones we are seeking to get them placed in the market. Till date we have helped more that 20 entrepreneurs to establish their businesses in one way or the other. The trust they have kept on us the process is what we believe to be helping them to transform themselves into an Enterprise.
Not only Entrepreneurs, but the Enterprises who have been in the market for long time and wanted to grow, Concept Roof has helped them understand the roots of their problems and an effective strategy with phases of solutions. Developing the Master Plan for an organization, the plan which will help them sustain the business for a period and then grow in the later stage too.
All the businesses run on the fuel called the USP, unless it is a mass B2C product required anyhow and is available anywhere. We help you develop your USP and carry it ahead in the Product’s Life by devising various strategies or a game plan to implement them, after all it is a Unique Selling Proposition. Here we develop Unique Seeking Proposition for you.